Poll of Polls: 22 July

27th July 2014 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

The graph below shows What Scotland Thinks’ latest Poll of Polls and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on two polls by TNS BMRB, one poll  by YouGov, one by Survation, one by ICM and one by Panelbase,  The polls were conducted between 10 June and 22 July.

TNS BMRB Report Their Highest Yes Vote Yet

18th July 2014 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

Of all the companies polling regularly during the campaign, none has hitherto been more stable in its estimates of referendum vote intentions than TNS BMRB. Up to now, six of the seven polls it had conducted to date this year had put Yes on 41% (and No on 59%) once the Don’t Knows were excluded, […]

Poll of Polls: 11 July Updated

18th July 2014 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

The graph below shows What Scotland Thinks’ latest Poll of Polls and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on two polls  by YouGov, two by TNS BMRB, one poll by Survation, and one by ICM,  The polls were conducted between 10 June and 11 July. It is an […]

Who is Right? YouGov or Survation?

16th July 2014 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

Regular readers of this blog will be well aware that the polls have been consistently disagreeing with each other in their estimates of how many people propose to vote Yes and No. Three companies, ICM, Panelbase and Survation have tended to produce higher estimates of the Yes vote (and thus lower estimates of the No […]