The Legacy of IndyRef1 and the Implications for IndyRef2: New Scottish Social Attitudes Report

15th March 2017 Comment How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum

The focus of much opinion polling is on the short-term. Has support for this party or that party gone up or down since last month? Which leader’s popularity is increasing, whose is on the wane? Is there any evidence of swing towards or away from independence since the last time the question was asked? As […]

Does Scotland Want a Second Independence Referendum?

2nd March 2017 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

The Prime Minister comes north tomorrow to address Scottish Conservatives at their spring conference. She does so on the back of reports that the UK government is beginning to get concerned that Nicola Sturgeon might opt to pull the trigger on a second referendum, an expectation since heightened by a speech by the First Minister […]

On Sampling Error

10th February 2017 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

Much excitement was caused this week by a poll from BMG Research for The Herald which was reported by the newspaper under the headline ‘Support for independence surges on hard Brexit vow’. There was then even more of a flutter when in an interview for UK Business Insider I suggested that the three-point increase in […]