Seminar: So Where Does Scotland Stand on More Devolution?

4th February 2014 Comment Site News

Tuesday 18th February 9.30am-11am Raeburn Room, Old College, University of Edinburgh The possibility that Scotland should remain in the UK but that the Scottish Parliament should be given more power over and responsibility for taxation and welfare benefits will not appear on the ballot paper on 18th September. However, the debate on this option continues, […]

Major Referendum Conference: What Scotland Thinks….So Far

15th November 2013 Comment Site News

ScotCen / NatCen Social Research and What Scotland Thinks are kicking off the New Year with a major conference on Scotland’s independence referendum.  Chaired by Brian Taylor, BBC Scotland’s Political Editor, the all day event on 22 January will consider how well the key issues have been identified and addressed, how effective the two campaigns […]

ESRC Festival of Social Science Event: What Does Scotland Think About Independence?

24th October 2013 Comment Site News

What do people in Scotland think about the issues surrounding the referendum on independence in September 2014?  Learn, debate and influence the analysis of up to date social science evidence at this one-day event run by the Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN), an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Research Centre. This event is part […]

What Scotland Thinks events

25th September 2013 Comment Site News

We are currently running a series of events titled ‘What Scotland Thinks: Unpacking public attitudes to independence’ with Professor John Curtice and Dr Jan Eichhorn. This is an occasional series of ScotCen/Institute of Governance morning briefings on public attitudes towards Scotland’s constitutional future. Each briefing focuses on public attitudes towards one of the key aspects of the […]

Welcome to the What Scotland Thinks website

19th June 2013 Comment Site News

As Scotland decides how it is going to vote in the independence referendum on 18 September next year, the site brings together all the key polling and survey evidence on how the Scottish public thinks their country should be governed. The website features key headline figures from all the recent polls and surveys of Scottish […]