Release of initial findings from the Scottish Social Attitudes survey

21st January 2014 Comment Expectations of constitutional change Perceptions of government & the Union

Tonight (Tuesday) sees the release of initial findings on attitudes towards independence from the latest Scottish Social Attitudes survey, which was conducted between June and October last year. Tomorrow (Wednesday) you will be able to both to mine the data for yourself using our data explorer while there will also be some briefings that report […]

Is Devolution Keeping Britain Together or Driving It Apart?

10th September 2013 Comment Cross border attitudes How England should be governed Perceptions of government & the Union

According to Lord Robertson, Labour’s Shadow Scottish Secretary during the 1990s, introducing devolution would kill nationalism ‘stone dead’.  In contrast, his former backbench colleague, Tam Dalyell, argued it would prove to be a ‘slippery slope’ towards Scottish independence. With a referendum on Scottish independence due to be held in a year’s time, at the moment […]