Who ought to make decisions for Scotland about university tuition fees?
30th April 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
Attitudes in Scotland to options for governing Scotland including more devolution and independence
30th April 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
30th April 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum
30th April 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum
30th April 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum
10th April 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
30th March 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
26th March 2014 Comment How Scotland should be governed
YouGov have so far been amongst the more conservative of the pollsters so far as its estimate of the Yes vote is concerned. Since September, most of its polls have put the Yes vote at between 38 and 40 per cent (once Don’t Knows were excluded). Its estimate of the degree to which the No […]
25th March 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
25th March 2014 Comment How Scotland should be governed
TNS BMRB’s latest monthly poll is published this morning. It is in fact relatively old. Interviewing began almost a month ago, and finished as long ago as the 9th of this month. However, that does not mean it should be ignored. The poll puts Yes on 28%, No on 42%. That represents a one point […]
23rd March 2014 Comment Expectations of constitutional change How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum
The latest monthly ICM poll for Scotland on Sunday, published today, will do little to smooth the worried brows in the No camp. Once again the message appears to be that the referendum race has become, from their perspective at least, all too close for comfort. The poll puts Yes on 39%, No on 46%. […]