Do you believe the new powers devolved to the Scottish Parliament should include all areas except defence and foreign affairs (ie ‘Devo Max’)?
3rd October 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
Attitudes in Scotland to options for governing Scotland including more devolution and independence
3rd October 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
30th September 2014 Comment Expectations of constitutional change How Scotland should be governed
When the Edinburgh Agreement was signed in October 2012, the UK government declared that it would ensure that the independence referendum would be ‘legal, fair and decisive’. Although some supporters of the Yes camp may be doubtful that the referendum was entirely fair (pointing not least to what they perceive to be some biased media […]
23rd September 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
23rd September 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
23rd September 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
23rd September 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
23rd September 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
17th September 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
17th September 2014 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
17th September 2014 Comment How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum
Three polls of voting intentions were released yesterday evening and appear in today’s papers. One was conducted by ICM for The Scotsman, one by Survation for the Daily Mail while the third was undertaken by Opinium for the Daily Telegraph. After undecided voters are left to one side, all three out Yes on 48% and […]