How would you vote in a Scottish independence referendum if held now? (asked after the EU referendum)
28th June 2016 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
Attitudes in Scotland to options for governing Scotland including more devolution and independence
28th June 2016 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
28th June 2016 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
13th June 2016 Comment How Scotland should be governed
With the opinion polls consistently showing that Scotland is set to vote to Remain in the European Union on June 23rd (the latest estimate from TNS released last week suggested that, after excluding Don’t Knows, as many as 71% might do so), there seems to be more interest north of the border in discussing what […]
6th June 2016 Comment How Scotland should be governed
One of the most striking features of polls of voting intentions in the European Union referendum is that people in Scotland are much more likely to say they will vote to Remain than are their counterparts in England & Wales. Whereas polls across Britain as a whole suggest the referendum race is tight, in Scotland […]
1st May 2016 Comment Elections, parties & leaders How Scotland should be governed
A poll by Panelbase in today’s Sunday Times Scotland provides Labour with some relatively encouraging news in its attempt to stay ahead of the Conservatives at Holyrood. At 23% on the constituency vote and 22% on the list, the party is estimated to be six and three points ahead of the Conservatives respectively. Such an […]
11th April 2016 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed
6th April 2016 Comment Elections, parties & leaders How Scotland should be governed Policy issues
One of the rituals of elections in Scotland nowadays is that at the beginning of the campaign BBC Scotland conducts a poll in which it attempts to establish the popularity or otherwise of the various proposals being put forward by the parties. The results of the exercise conducted (by Ipsos MORI) for this year’s Holyrood […]
23rd March 2016 Comment How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum
Today MSPs pack their bags and prepare to campaign (or retire). Tomorrow will mark the day that if a majority had voted Yes in the independence referendum, Scotland would, according to the SNP’s proposed timetable, have become an independent country. It is thus an opportune moment to take a look at the state of Scotland’s […]
19th February 2016 Comment Elections, parties & leaders How Scotland should be governed Policy issues The Scottish independence referendum
A new poll by Survation that was reported in the Daily Record both yesterday and today has three findings of note. First, although the principle of increasing income tax by a penny in the pound (as proposed by both Labour and the Liberal Democrats) appears to be relatively popular, there is little sign so far […]
18th February 2016 Scotland Question How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum