Facing More Difficult Circumstances? Prospects for the Scottish Conservatives

20th November 2020 Comment Elections, parties & leaders How Scotland should be governed

At first glance the Scottish Conservatives, who are meeting in virtual conference this weekend, can look forward to next year’s Scottish Parliament election with a fair degree of confidence. In polls conducted since September, the party has averaged 20% on the constituency vote and 19% on the regional vote. That is somewhat down on the […]

Brexit, Coronavirus and the Economy: Three Key Issues in the Independence Debate

20th October 2020 Comment Elections, parties & leaders Expectations of constitutional change How Scotland should be governed Perceptions of government & the Union Policy issues

The last week or so has seen the publication of three further polls of attitudes towards Scotland’s constitutional status. Two of them, from Ipsos MORI (for STV News) and from Savanta ComRes, continued the gradual trickle of polls this year of how people would vote in another independence referendum. The third, from Survation (for the […]