Survation Show Drop in Yes Support Following Leaders’ Debate

9th August 2014 Comment Elections, parties & leaders The Scottish independence referendum

ICM’s instant poll of those who had watched the leaders’ debate on Tuesday was not exactly comfortable reading for the Yes side. But at least it held out the prospect that perhaps Mr Salmond’s seemingly disappointing performance would not cost it many votes. However that poll’s headline figure  – that Mr Darling was adjudged the […]

Who won the Leaders’ Debate? ICM’s Instant Poll

6th August 2014 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

Within half an hour of the conclusion of last night’s leaders’ debate, ICM produced for The Guardian an instant poll of the reactions of a supposedly representative sample of voters who watched the debate. Only just over 500 people (512 to be exact) were successfully contacted in the limited time available, and some demographic groups, […]

Ipsos MORI Give Salmond Debate Fillip

5th August 2014 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

A poll commissioned by STV from Ipsos MORI and released at the beginning of tonight’s leaders’ debate gives Alex Salmond a bit of a fillip as he prepares to debate with the Better Together leader, Alistair Darling. The poll puts Yes on 40% and No on 54%, with just 7% of those who say they […]