Poll of Polls: Westminster Vote Intentions: 2 April

5th April 2015 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

The graph below shows the latest What Scotland Thinks/ScotCen Poll of Polls of voting intentions in Scotland for the 2015 UK general election and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on one poll by Panelbase, one by ICM, one by Survation, and one by the British Election Study.  […]

ICM Show How Labour Is Failing To Reach Its Target Voters

23rd March 2015 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

Another poll, another set of numbers to strike fear into the heart of the Labour party. Today’s come from an ICM (online) poll for The Guardian, which is a follow-up to an initial poll the newspaper commissioned from ICM last December, shortly after Jim Murphy was elected as Labour’s Scottish leader. The poll puts the […]

Poll of Polls: Westminster Vote Intentions: 19 March

23rd March 2015 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

The graph below shows the latest What Scotland Thinks/ScotCen Poll of Polls of voting intentions in Scotland for the 2015 UK general election and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on two polls by Survation, one poll by ICM, and one by YouGov.  Between them the four polls […]

Poll of Polls: Westminster Vote Intentions: 17 March

20th March 2015 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

The graph below shows the latest What Scotland Thinks/ScotCen Poll of Polls of voting intentions in Scotland for the 2015 UK general election and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on two polls by Survation, one by YouGov, and  one by TNS BMRB.  Between them the four polls […]