Poll of Polls: Westminster Vote Intentions: 9 April

10th April 2015 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

The graph below shows the latest What Scotland Thinks/ScotCen Poll of Polls of voting intentions in Scotland for the 2015 UK general election and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on two polls by YouGov,  one poll by Panelbase, and one by ICM.  Between them the four polls […]

Panelbase (and more) from The Sunday Times

5th April 2015 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

Despite the fact that the outcome of the election in Scotland could well prove pivotal in determining who forms the next government, it is a fortnight since an up to date Scotland-wide poll of voting intentions for May 7th was published. However, the drought is broken today with a poll conducted by Panelbase for The […]