Poll of Polls: Westminster Vote Intentions: 1 May

2nd May 2015 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

The graph below shows the latest What Scotland Thinks/ScotCen Poll of Polls of voting intentions in Scotland for the 2015 UK general election and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on one poll by Survation, one poll by YouGov,  one poll by Panelbase, and one by Ipsos MORI […]

Ipsos MORI Find A Swing to the SNP Too

29th April 2015 Comment Elections, parties & leaders

It was in truth almost inevitable that today’s Ipsos MORI poll for STV would prove to be a  headline grabber. After all, the company put the SNP on 52% 29 points ahead of Labour, as long as late October last year – well above the estimate of any other polling company at the time. If, […]