Racing Ahead Online: Catching Up Offline?

21st February 2014 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

Last November, we observed that the ‘Yes’ side had a more visible and active online presence than the No’ camp. Since our last blog on this subject, the referendum campaign has intensified considerably, thanks not least to the launch of the Scottish Government’s White Paper on independence at the end of November 2013, the row […]

Nationalists for No: The Real Referendum Battleground?

8th August 2013 Comment Elections, parties & leaders The Scottish independence referendum

Rather a lot of political excitement has been caused recently by claims that the Labour for Independence campaign was a front populated by current and/or recent SNP activists rather than a grassroots organization consisting of genuine Labour members – see, for example, these articles by Severin Carrell and Tom Gordon. Apart from casting aspersions on […]