Would you support or oppose Nicola Sturgeon running a referendum which would be illegal and not legally binding if the UK Government decline a request for a Scottish independence referendum?

Fieldwork dates: 17 September 2020 - 21 September 2020
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you support or oppose Nicola Sturgeon running a referendum which would be illegal and not legally binding if the UK Government decline a request for a Scottish independence referendum?
Fieldwork end date
21 September 2020
Poll by JL Partners
Strongly support 20%
Tend to support 12%
Neither/ nor 10%
Tend to oppose 13%
Strongly oppose 37%
Don't know 7%

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Full question wording

Imagine the UK Government declined a request for a Scottish independence referendum and Nicola Sturgeon announced a referendum of her own. This would be illegal and not be legally binding. Would you support or oppose Nicola Sturgeon running such a referendum in these circumstances?

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