Would you be more or less likely to vote SNP in the next Holyrood election if each of Jenny Gilruth became the new leader?

Fieldwork dates: 30 April 2024 - 3 May 2024
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you be more or less likely to vote SNP in the next Holyrood election if each of Jenny Gilruth became the new leader?
Fieldwork end date
3 May 2024
Poll by Norstat
Much more likely 2%
More likely 5%
Neither more or less likely 47%
Less likely 8%
Much less likely 19%
Don't know 15%
Prefer not to say 4%

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Poll details

Full question wording

Jenny Gilruth - Would you be more or less likely to vote SNP in the next Holyrood election if each of these MSPs became the new leader?

See About these data for possible variations