Which of John Swinney, Kate Forbes, Stephen Flynn or Jenny Gilruth would you prefer to be the next Firt Minister?

Fieldwork dates: 30 April 2024 - 3 May 2024
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Which of John Swinney, Kate Forbes, Stephen Flynn or Jenny Gilruth would you prefer to be the next Firt Minister?
Fieldwork end date
3 May 2024
Poll by Norstat
John Swinney 23%
Kate Forbes 23%
Stephen Flynn 7%
Jenny Gilruth 2%
Don't know 41%
Prefer not to say 3%

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Full question wording

Humza Yousaf has announced his intention to resign as SNP leader, and the party now needs to choose a new leader to be First Minister of Scotland. Which of the following MSPs would you prefer to be the next First Minister? John Swinney/ Kate Forbes/ Stephen Flynn/ Jenny Gilruth

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