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Information about the polls on this graph

Full question: Full question wording: ‘Which of these would you say is most important to you in deciding how you might vote in the referendum?’ ‘Other’ response include the following: Relations with the rest of the UK 5%, Immigration 4%, Taxes 4%, Energy costs 3%, EU membership 3%, Free care for elderly 3%, Currency 2%, Border controls 1%, Defence 1%, Transport 1%, Nuclear power less than 1%

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Full question wording: ‘Which of these would you say is most important to you in deciding how you might vote in the referendum?’ ‘Other’ response include the following: Relations with the rest of the UK 5%, Immigration 4%, Taxes 4%, Energy costs 3%, EU membership 3%, Free care for elderly 3%, Currency 2%, Border controls 1%, Defence 1%, Transport 1%, Nuclear power less than 1%

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Full question wording: ‘Which of these would you say is most important to you in deciding how you might vote in the referendum?’ ‘Other’ response include the following: Relations with the rest of the UK 5%, Immigration 4%, Taxes 4%, Energy costs 3%, EU membership 3%, Free care for elderly 3%, Currency 2%, Border controls 1%, Defence 1%, Transport 1%, Nuclear power less than 1%

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll: