Looking forward to the general election, do you think you will vote mostly according to what is going on in Scotland, or mostly according to what is going on in Britain as a whole?

Fieldwork dates: 3 June 2024 - 9 June 2024
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Looking forward to the general election, do you think you will vote mostly according to what is going on in Scotland, or mostly according to what is going on in Britain as a whole?
Fieldwork end date
9 June 2024
Poll by Ipsos
Mostly according to what is going in Scotland 33%
Mostly according to what is going in Britain as a whole 39%
Both equally 27%
Other 1%
Don't know 1%

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Full question wording

And looking forward to the GENERAL ELECTION, do you think you will vote mostly according to what is going on in Scotland, or mostly according to what is going on in Britain as a whole?

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