If there is another referendum on Scottish independence, would you support or oppose there not being able to be an independence referendum for another thirty years after it took place?

Fieldwork dates: 17 September 2020 - 21 September 2020
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If there is another referendum on Scottish independence, would you support or oppose there not being able to be an independence referendum for another thirty years after it took place?
Fieldwork end date
21 September 2020
Poll by JL Partners
Strongly support 28%
Tend to support 17%
Neither/ nor 13%
Tend to oppose 12%
Strongly oppose 23%
Don't know 7%

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Full question wording

If there is another referendum on Scottish independence, would you support or oppose there not being able to be an independence referendum for another thirty years after it took place?

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