If an independent Scotland had to join the Euro, how would this effect your vote in a Scottish independence referendum?

Fieldwork dates: 11 January 2013 - 21 January 2013
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If an independent Scotland had to join the Euro, how would this effect your vote in a Scottish independence referendum?
Fieldwork end date
21 January 2013
Poll by Norstat
5 - Much more likely to vote for independence 7%
4 7%
3 18%
2 11%
1 - Much less likely to vote for independence 47%
Don't know 11%
Refused 0%

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Full question wording

Assuming for a moment that each statement was accurate, what effect, if any, would that have on the way you would vote in the referendum? ...An independent Scotland would have to join the Euro, the European single currency, rather than be allowed to keep the pound

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