How would you vote in the referendum if Conservatives looked set to win 2015 General Election?

Fieldwork dates: 29 January 2014 - 31 January 2014
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: How would you vote in the referendum if Conservatives looked set to win 2015 General Election?
Fieldwork end date
31 January 2014
Poll by Survation
I would change my vote to Yes 6%
I would still vote Yes 29%
I would change my mind to No 2%
I would still vote No 47%
I would still be undecided 11%
I would now be undecided 5%

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Full question wording

Now, imagine you knew the Conservative Party was expected to win a majority at the next UK General Election in 2015 and form the next UK government, would this affect how you would vote, or not, in the Scottish independence referendum this year?

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