How would you be likely to vote in a UK general election (asked since 2024 general election)

Fieldwork dates: 20 August 2024 - 13 September 2024
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 3 polls

Results for: How would you be likely to vote in a UK general election (asked since 2024 general election)
Fieldwork end date
13 September 2024
Poll by Survation
11 September 2024
Poll by Opinium
22 August 2024
Poll by Norstat
Conservative 14% 14% 12%
Labour 31% 25% 32%
Liberal Democrat 9% 8% 8%
Scottish National Party 31% 32% 29%
Green Party 3% 7% 5%
Reform UK 11% 11% 12%
Other 1% 2% 2%

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Poll details

Full question wording

Westminster Headline Voting Intention (not the original question)

See About these data for possible variations