Do you think the referendum should ask a second question about more powers?

Fieldwork dates: 1 June 2013 - 31 October 2013
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think the referendum should ask a second question about more powers?
Fieldwork end date
31 October 2013
Poll by ScotCen (Scottish Social Attitudes)
Only be able to say Yes or No to independence 38%
Also be able to say Yes or No to giving the Scottish Parl. more powers while stay in the UK 52%
Not sure 10%

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Full question wording

In the referendum voters will be able to say Yes or No to independence. They will not be able to say Yes or No to giving the Scottish Parliament more powers while remaining part of the UK. Which of the statements on this card comes closest to your view about the referendum?

See About these data for possible variations