Do you think that Scotland gets more money out of the UK than it puts in or Scotland puts in more money to the UK than it gets out?

Fieldwork dates: 7 April 2021 - 19 April 2021
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think that Scotland gets more money out of the UK than it puts in or Scotland puts in more money to the UK than it gets out?
Fieldwork end date
19 April 2021
Poll by Lord Ashcroft Polls
0 - gets more money out of the UK than it puts it 16%
1 5%
2 6%
3 8%
4 7%
5 10%
6 9%
7 8%
8 8%
9 7%
10 - puts in more money to the UK than it gets out 16%

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Poll details

Full question wording

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each pair of opposing statements:
Statement A:- Scotland gets more money out of the UK than it puts in or Statement B:- Scotland puts in more money to the UK than it gets out

See About these data for possible variations


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