Do you think that a politician should be allowed to be an MSP at Holyrood and an MP at Westminster at the same time, or should they only have one of those roles?

Fieldwork dates: 11 June 2024 - 14 June 2024
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think that a politician should be allowed to be an MSP at Holyrood and an MP at Westminster at the same time, or should they only have one of those roles?
Fieldwork end date
14 June 2024
Poll by Norstat
A politician should be allowed to be both an MSP and an MP 22%
A politician should only have one of those roles 61%
Don't know 16%
Prefer not to say 1%

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Full question wording

Do you think that a politician should be allowed to be an MSP at Holyrood and an MP at Westminster at the same time, or should they only have one of those roles?

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