would you prefer for Scotland to become an independent country or remain part of the UK? (English/ Welsh views)

Fieldwork dates: 29 July 2014 - 1 August 2014
Data from: England & Wales
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: would you prefer for Scotland to become an independent country or remain part of the UK? (English/ Welsh views)
Fieldwork end date
1 August 2014
Poll by Opinium
Definitely prefer for Scotland to become independent 12%
Probably prefer for Scotland to become independent 7%
Probably prefer for Scotland to stay part of the UK 23%
Definitely prefer for Scotland to stay part of the UK 40%
Don't know 18%
Refused 0%

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Full question wording

In September Scotland will vote on whether to leave the UK and become an independent country. Leaving aside how people in Scotland end up voting, would you prefer for Scotland to become an independent country or remain part of the UK?

See About these data for possible variations