When do you think the break-up of Britain will occur, if ever? (English views)

Fieldwork dates: 10 January 2007 - 12 January 2007
Data from: England
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: When do you think the break-up of Britain will occur, if ever? (English views)
Fieldwork end date
12 January 2007
Poll by YouGov
The break-up of Britain is inevitable within the next five to 10 years 11%
The break-up of Britain is inevitable within the next 10 to 20 years 20%
The break-up of Britain will not happen in the foreseeable future 44%
The break up of Britain will never happen 11%
Don't know 13%
Refused 0%

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Full question wording

In the past few years, Scotland and Wales have achieved a degree of self-government with their own parliaments, and some people have argued that Britain could divide into two or more completely independent countries. Which of these statements comes closest to your view? (England)

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