Should a referendum include a question regarding more powers for the Scottish Parliament or only a question on independence? (English/Welsh view)

Fieldwork dates: 12 January 2012 - 14 January 2012
Data from: England & Wales
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Should a referendum include a question regarding more powers for the Scottish Parliament or only a question on independence? (English/Welsh view)
Fieldwork end date
14 January 2012
Poll by Survation
If a Scottish Referendum were to take place it should only ask whether Scotland should become an independent country 31%
If a Scottish Referendum were to take place it should ask whether Scotland should become an independent country AND whether Scotland should be granted 'full financial independence' 50%
Don't know 19%
Refused 0%

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Full question wording

Which of the following two statements do you agree with most: (England/Wales)

See About these data for possible variations