If there is a No vote, should Scottish MPs at Westminister be banned from voting on matters that only affect England? (English and Welsh views)

Fieldwork dates: 10 September 2014 - 11 September 2014
Data from: England & Wales
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If there is a No vote, should Scottish MPs at Westminister be banned from voting on matters that only affect England? (English and Welsh views)
Fieldwork end date
11 September 2014
Poll by ICM
Yes 85%
No 15%

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Full question wording

Under the current arrangement, English MPs at Westminster are not allowed to vote on matters that only affect Scotland, but Scottish MPs at Westminster are allowed to vote on matters that only affect England. If the people of Scotland decide to reject independence, do you think Under the current arrangement, English MPs at Westminster are not allowed to vote on matters that only affect Scotland, but Scottish MPs at Westminster are allowed to vote on matters that only affect England. If the people of Scotland decide to reject independence, do you think Scottish MPs at Westminister should be banned from voting on matters that only affect England?

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