Do you think Scotland should be granted full financial independence from the UK, but remain part of the Union? (English/Welsh view)

Fieldwork dates: 12 January 2012 - 14 January 2012
Data from: England & Wales
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think Scotland should be granted full financial independence from the UK, but remain part of the Union? (English/Welsh view)
Fieldwork end date
14 January 2012
Poll by Survation
Yes 34%
No 35%
Undecided 30%
Don't know 0%
Refused 0%

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Full question wording

It has been the suggested that a Scottish Referendum ballot should have two questions. The first would ask whether Scotland should become an independent country and second would ask whether Scotland should have 'full financial independence' from the United Kingdom. 'Full financial independence' would mean that instead of receiving a block grant from the UK Government the Scottish Government would receive all the taxation collected in Scotland and then pay the UK Government for its share of UK wide public services. Scotland would still remain part of the United Kingdom and the UK Government would still be responsible for its foreign and defence policy. Do you think that Scotland should be granted full financial independence from the United Kingdom, but remain part of the Union? (English/Welsh view)

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