15th June 2014 Comment
Expectations of constitutional change The Scottish independence referendum
Following on from Survation’s poll for the Daily Record on Thursday, two further polls released today appear to provide further evidence that the tide may have begun to flow a bit further in the Yes side’s direction. First, in a poll commissioned by Yes Scotland, Panelbase put Yes on 43%, No on 46%, with 12% […]
15th June 2014 Comment
The Scottish independence referendum
The graph below shows What Scotland Thinks’ latest Poll of Polls and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on two polls by ICM, one poll by Ipsos MORI, one poll by Survation, one by Panelbase, and one by TNS BMRB. The polls were conducted between 12 May and […]
12th June 2014 Comment
National identity and cultural issues
Following on from a similar survey conducted in April and May 2013 a team of Edinburgh University researchers, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council through its Future of the UK and Scotland Programme and working under the umbrella of the Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN), has conducted a new survey of 14 to 17 […]
12th June 2014 Comment
The Scottish independence referendum
As we had cause to remark only yesterday, the polls have been remarkably stable in the last couple of months. Since just before the end of March most have reported little or no change in the balance of Yes and No support. True, ICM suggested in April that Yes support had reached a record high, […]
12th June 2014 Comment
The Scottish independence referendum
The graph below shows What Scotland Thinks’ latest Poll of Polls and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on two polls by Survation, one poll by Ipsos MORI, one poll by ICM, one by Panelbase, and one by TNS BMRB. The polls were conducted between 9 May and […]
11th June 2014 Comment
Cross border attitudes Expectations of constitutional change The Scottish independence referendum
It has appeared to be the case for some time now that the referendum race has become becalmed once more. The Yes side appear to have maintained the gains they made in the winter, but without any consistent evidence of them having made any further subsequent progress. That message is underlined by the latest TNS […]
10th June 2014 Comment
The Scottish independence referendum
We have often drawn attention in this blog to differences in the way on which polls of referendum vote intention are conducted and how far these differences might help account for the discrepancies in their results. Indeed, an extended discussion of the methodology of the polls of referendum vote intention will appear in the next […]
9th June 2014 Comment
Cross border attitudes How England should be governed
Yet another ‘referendum milestone’ is reached today. The latest one is that there are now just 100 days of campaigning left before polling day on 18th September – cue another round of campaign stunts and media speculation. Anyway, the milestone has provided us with an excuse to release a short briefing on how people south […]
4th June 2014 Comment
Site News
Irrespective of whether Scotland votes Yes or No in the referendum on three months time, its future will depend in part on how it gets along with its near neighbour, England. The SNP’s vision for an independent Scotland envisages various forms of collaboration with the rest of the UK that may or may not be […]
2nd June 2014 Comment
The Scottish independence referendum
It is three months since Ipsos MORI last conducted a poll of voting intentions in the referendum. Although the company is one of the pollsters who have tended to produce relatively low estimates of the Yes vote, that previous poll was disappointing for the Yes side, even by the standards of those pollsters that paint […]