1st July 2014 Comment
The Scottish independence referendum
It has long been apparent that YouGov are amongst the companies that tend to paint a relatively pessimistic picture of the Yes side’s prospects. But even by the standards of its previous polls, the company’s latest poll, conducted for The Times, must be regarded as a considerable disappointment for those working in the Yes side’s […]
1st July 2014 Comment
The Scottish independence referendum
The graph below shows What Scotland Thinks’ latest Poll of Polls and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on two polls by YouGov, one poll by ICM, one poll by Ipsos MORI, one poll by Survation, and one by Panelbase, . The polls were conducted between 26 May […]
25th June 2014 Comment
How Scotland should be governed National identity and cultural issues
The status of national languages has been a source of controversy in many movements seeking autonomy for a small nation, such as, for example, those in Ireland and Wales. Yet Scotland seems to be an exception. Support for the Gaelic language has never been closely linked with campaigning for Scottish political autonomy. But does that […]
22nd June 2014 Comment
Perceptions of government & the Union
Today sees the publication by the Scottish Government of the results of the latest instalment of what has come to be known as the ‘core module’ of the Scottish Social Attitudes (SSA) survey, that is a suite of questions about various aspects of public policy that have been asked on behalf of the Edinburgh administration. […]
20th June 2014 Comment
Site News
Scheduled with just over a month to go to the referendum on Scottish independence ScotCen Social Research, WhatScotlandThinks, AQMeN and will be hosting a one-off, free conference looking at how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ the referendum campaign has been (so far) and what this could mean for the future of Scotland. The Independence Referendum Campaign: Help […]
19th June 2014 Comment
The Scottish independence referendum
Since our last post on the subject of social media and the referendum, the campaign has ramped up considerably. We have seen offers of further devolved powers from all of the parties supporting a ‘no’ vote, interventions from businesses such as Shell and Lloyds Bank expressing concern over Scotland leaving the UK, TV debates, economic […]
18th June 2014 Comment
How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum
If you had not noticed, it is now exactly three months to go to polling day. But so far as the polls are concerned, it is business as usual. The saga of markedly divergent results continues with new findings from YouGov for The Sun (for Scotland as a whole) and from ComRes for ITV Border […]
18th June 2014 Comment
The Scottish independence referendum
The graph below shows What Scotland Thinks’ latest Poll of Polls and how it has evolved over time. The latest Poll of Polls is based on one poll by ICM, one poll by Ipsos MORI, one poll by Survation, one by Panelbase, one by YouGov and one by TNS BMRB. The polls were conducted between […]
18th June 2014 Comment
Expectations of constitutional change The Scottish independence referendum
One of the major academic efforts to understand how voters behave in September’s referendum is being conducted as part of an enterprise known as the British Election Study (BES). This study is now 50 years old; each election since 1964 has been graced by an in-depth survey of voters conducted after polling day, while in […]
17th June 2014 Comment
Cross border attitudes Expectations of constitutional change National identity and cultural issues
Whatever the outcome of the referendum in September, Scotland and the rest of the UK are going to have to find ways of getting along. In the event of a Yes vote, then as envisaged by the SNP at least, an independent Scotland would continue to share a number of institutions with the rest of […]