This seminar is the latest in an occasional series of ScotCen/Institute of Governance morning briefings on public attitudes towards Scotland’s constitutional future. Each briefing focuses on public attitudes towards one of the key aspects of the referendum debate, bringing together the evidence of the Scottish Social Attitudes surveys and of commercial opinion polls. They are of interest to anyone who needs to be well briefed on public opinion – on how it is evolving and how it may change – during the course of the referendum campaign.
Who Will Turn Up – and Who Will Stay At Home?
Speakers: Prof John Curtice (University of Strathclyde); Dr Jan Eichhorn (University of Edinburgh)
Hosted by Prof David McCrone (University of Edinburgh)
Date and Time: 9th Apr 2014 09:00 – 11:00
Location: Raeburn Room, Old College
Nearly all the polls and surveys of voting intentions suggest that there will be a high turnout in the independence referendum in September. But why are so many people apparently motivated to go to the polls? And could who does and does not vote make a difference to the outcome? Using data from the Scottish Social Attitudes survey together with evidence from the polls Dr Jan Eichhorn will investigate who is more or less likely to vote and why, and whether a lower or a higher turnout could affect the outcome. Particular attention will be paid to how the pattern of turnout in the referendum might differ from that in Scottish Parliament elections.
To book your please complete and return the booking form on the IoG website. Cost: £25 per seminar.
This seminar briefing will take place in the Raeburn Room, Old College, University of Edinburgh. Registration is at 9am and the seminars will run from 9.30am-11am. Here is a map showing the location of the Old College.
Further information
The briefing will be prefaced by a short presentation on the state of the latest referendum polls.
John Curtice is a Research Consultant to ScotCen, Professor of Politics at Strathclyde University, and a well-known commentator on Scottish politics.
The series is being held in association with this website and financial support for the seminar series is being provided by the Economic and Social Research Council.
The final seminar in this series will be held on 19th June. The subject and speaker will be announced later. For further information contact Mags Tingey: or 0131 650 8093.

About the author
ScotCen Social Research runs this website with funding from the Economic and Social Research Council. For more info in ScotCen please see