To what extent would you support or oppose ‘English votes for English laws’?

Fieldwork dates: 12 January 2015 - 19 January 2015
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: To what extent would you support or oppose ‘English votes for English laws’?
Fieldwork end date
19 January 2015
Poll by Ipsos
Strongly support 28%
Tend to support 25%
Neither support nor oppose 15%
Tend to oppose 13%
Strongly oppose 19%

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Full question wording

As you may know, Scotland has its own parliament which makes decisions about issues such as health and education. This is not the case in England where all issues are decided by MPs from across the UK in the House of Commons. Some people think that Scottish MPs should not be allowed to vote in the House of Commons on issues that have no direct impact on people in Scotland. To what extent would you support or oppose such a change?

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