Should the Queen be allowed to speak publicly about her views on Scottish independence before the referendum?

Fieldwork dates: 12 September 2014 - 15 September 2014
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Should the Queen be allowed to speak publicly about her views on Scottish independence before the referendum?
Fieldwork end date
15 September 2014
Poll by Opinium
Yes 36%
No 56%
Don't know 8%
Refused 0%

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Full question wording

By convention the monarch does not let her views on political matters become public to remain above party politics. Some have argued that the independence referendum is a special case though and that the Queen should be allowed to express her views. Do you think the Queen should be allowed to speak publicly about her views on Scottish independence before voting in the referendum begins on the 18th September?

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