How have you followed or taken part in the debate?

Fieldwork dates: 21 May 2014 - 28 May 2014
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: How have you followed or taken part in the debate?
Fieldwork end date
28 May 2014
Poll by TNS-BMRB
Watched special TV programmes 26%
Written to ro emailed a newspaper 1%
Contributed to online discussions 4%
Talked about referendum with friends/family 37%
Read any of the White Paper 10%
Attended public meeting 2%
Worked with Yes Scotland campaign 4%
Worked with Better Together campaign 1%
None 16%

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Full question wording

There are many ways in which people might follow or take part in the referendum debate. Which, if any, of these have you done?

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