Does Scotland or do England & Wales benefit more from Scotland being in the union?

Fieldwork dates: 9 May 2011 - 11 January 2012
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: Does Scotland or do England & Wales benefit more from Scotland being in the union?
Fieldwork end date
11 January 2012
Poll by YouGov
11 May 2011
Poll by YouGov
England & Wales benefit more 28% 32%
Scotland benefits more 23% 21%
About equal 40% 40%
Don't know 10% 7%
Refused 0% 0%

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Full question wording

On the whole, do you think that England & Wales benefit more from having Scotland in the UK, or that Scotland benefits more from being part of the UK, or is it about equal?

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